Quadruplicity 2013 Agenda TBD |
Thanks to All Who Attended and Participated
in Quadruplicity 2012!
Below you will find handouts from the Breakout Sessions
Breakout Sessions II
• Career: “Social Media to Drive Leads, Grow Revenues and Cut Costs"
• Life: “The Leader Within: Recognizing Your Influence”
(Downtown Business Center)
Christine Kennedy - Life & Leadership Coach,
Executive Vice President, Lynchburg Regional Chamber of Commerce
Leadership isn't a title; it's a state of mind and a way of life. If you want to become more of a positive influence to those around you, learn strategies to help you succeed and feel good about where you are heading, then you need to be at this session!
Topics covered will include:
• Identifying effective leadership characteristics that you possess
• Understanding and improving your influence at work, in the home and in the community
• Balancing responsibilities as a leader
Leadership & Life Purpose Coach Christine Kennedy will walk you through this interactive session and help you walk away with concrete steps to move you towards the leader you desire to be."
Get handout here>>
• Money: “Entrepreneur's Panel: Starting Strong, Growing Smart, and Selling it All” (Lewis & Clark)
Stacey McDonough - McDonough Law, PLLC
"The What, Why, and How of business entity selection and formation. How to avoid legal issues when soliciting investors and how to protect intellectual property."
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Cheri Lewis - Lewis Law Offices, PLC
Brad Eure - Eure Consulting
"How to Build Your Business to Sell It All©:
This seminar is intended to help develop your small business or business idea by:
• Identifying your Personal Business Strength and developing your business to capitalize on that strength.
• Acquiring the 5 Disciplines of Business Leaders who achieve success and make their business work for them; and
• Using a 7 Step Business Development Plan to evolve your company and make it attractive for acquisition."
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• Health: “Quiet Mind, Smart Mind: Mindfulness in the Workplace”
(Ashlawn Highland)
Marga Odahowski - Executive Mindfulness Consultant/Trainer
"Quiet Mind Smart: an introduction to mind management for health and well-being
Marga will share stories and introduce you to the research and practices that reduce stress, enhance concentration and increase energy.
Participates will leave with 3 tools they can use immediately to successfully balance energy and build a mindset for creativity."
Breakout Sessions II
• Career: “‘Power’ is Not a Dirty Word: Asserting Strength in Your Life
& Career” (James Monroe)
Michelle Prosser - Energy Focus Coaching & Consulting
"Are you tired of always being the “nice girl?” Are you ready to fully claim your power? We can be “nice” and “powerful” at the same time if we are willing to step into that space. Use the metaphor of the sword to access your inner warrior princess. Join Michelle Prosser, an executive coach, team builder and author, who coaches women on how to overcome early cultural socialization that rewards them for the very qualities that later are cited as a reason for not promoting them to leaders. Coined “nice girls don’t get the corner office” by leadership coaches, it is a leadership issue that women often face as they rise up the ranks. Learn how to break the glass ceiling with the blade of your sword."
• Life: "Give Change a Chance" (Lewis & Clark)
Cynthia Murray - Sr Int’l Contracts Representative, Northrup Grumman;
Founder & CEO, Divine Women of Destiny Ministries Int’l
"With the author of Seasons of Change enjoy a dynamic and energetic session designed to guide you along the path to positive change in your life. Never again allow fear, complacency or lack of self-confidence to keep you from embracing new and exciting changes in your career, relationships and future. Learn the skills to overcome every obstacle the next season in your life. Come on and give change a chance!"
• Money: “Women & Money: Planning for the Future, Enjoying the Present”
(Downtown Business Center)
Bernard Whitsett, II - Legacy Asset Management Board, LLC "How and why we must change our financial priorities: namely, why it is imperative that we place a greater emphasis on savings as a key element of successful financial planning."
Beth Roireau - Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
"This session will address the issue of women and wealth. Beth will explain why planning is so critical for women and provide actionable strategies for cash management & savings, asset allocation & diversification, and portfolio rebalancing."
Get Handout 1 Here>>
Get Handout 2 Here>>
James Cox III - MichieHamlett "How making prudent estate planning decisions provides for financial security and the preservation of assets during your lifetime and in the event of incapacity, as well as providing for your heirs."
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• Health: "Wellness Panel: Optimum Health Through Mind, Body, and Spirit"
(Ashlawn Highland)
Sharon Petro - Head Coaching
"Moving On Up: Building a Healthy Self-Confidence" Most people believe that you have to already have proven success at a task before having confidence. While that may be helpful, it's not the only way to develop confidence. In this session, participants will learn skills and strategies to strengthen their self-confidence."
Get Handout 1 Here>>
Get Handout 2 Here>>
Dolly Garnecki - Spinal Health & Wellness
"In Dr. Garnecki's wellness workshop, you’ll learn simple techniques and tips to increase health & vitality, and maintain balance in your life. Learn how to improve posture, energy, and brain power. In this interactive session, Dr. Garnecki will teach home-care remedies for aching feet and sore backs. Learn best ergonomic practices for working at a computer desk and using a hand-held mobile devic--limit discomfort and increase overall energy and mental clarity."
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Pamela Ross, MD, FACEP, UVA Emergency Physician and Founder & CEO of Holistic Medical Consultants, LC
"Dr. Ross will discuss the basic healing principles of integrative medicine how these concepts can be applied to day to day living. She will also be available for questions as part of the panel.
• "Happiness Matters: How to Foster Happiness in Yourself & Others"
Rachel Brozenske - Allison Partners "It’s a chicken-and-egg conundrum. Do
happy people accomplish great things? Or does accomplishing great things make
people happy? More and more, researchers believe that attitude comes first. And
there’s good news: this recent research suggests that happiness isn’t something
that happens to people, but rather it’s a state that most people have the power to
create. In this presentation based on the latest in neuroscience, leadership and performance, Rachel will wrap up the Quadruplicity day by discussing how personal happiness impacts the rest of our lives and sharing a few of the practices that help foster happiness in yourself and others."
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